Sometimes, something happens in life that shocks or surprises us. When you really think about it, it's not so surprising at all... but the initial shock value remains. As you take the time to think things over and assimilate the information your mind runs crazy.
1. Sometimes, something you've wanted with the depth of your heart and soul is almost yours. You've wanted this for years and years but it has been out of reach. Suddenly, it's getting closer day by day. The dream, the hope, the prayer is almost... almost but not quite attainable. And then! Wham! The doubts begin! Is this really what I want? Can it work? Can I do this? What if I've waited all this time and it just doesn't work? Maybe it's not what I've always thought, hoped and dreamed it could be? Now what?
2. Sometimes you just dodged a bullet! Wow! What you thought would happen and maybe even dreamed would happen just didn't. You knew it wasn't going to happen and you were okay with things as they were... but then something happens that slams that door shut! Finally, completely! You are just standing there shocked, mouth open. But, then, you take some time and think! Wow! I'm so glad what I once hoped and dreamed didn't actually happen. God is looking out for me even when I thought I knew what He wanted for me.
3. Sometimes something comes at you out of the blue! You never thought about it, never dreamed it... hadn't even thought of it, not ever! Then, BAM! It's right there in front of you. Possible, accessible, available, attainable, reachable. Do you want it? Did you ever want it? Should you grab it and run?
For the past few years but especially in the past few months, my life and the events happening around me seem to be constantly in a whirlwind. I somehow thought that at this age, my life would be settled. I would not be making life changing decisions. Weighing the odds and trying to figure out which way to go. Maybe life is always like this. Maybe there is always constant change? Maybe we just need to be happy and content wherever we are on any given day.
I do think it's normal to think about the past and try to learn from our mistakes. But, while I wish some things were different, I am pretty sure that given the same set of circumstances, the same knowledge base, I would make the same decisions again. So, I have done the best that I could with my life so far. I will continue to try to live a full, rich life. Rich in family and friends and relationships. Rich with adventures and new experiences. No regrets! Not yesterday, not today and not tomorrow.