Like most people, I never really thought I'd get old. I've been blessed with good health and have stayed pretty active throughout my adult life. But, it's finally creeping up on me and it happened rather suddenly. My friends and I talk about it and to say that we are shocked is an understatement!
If you had asked me 5 years ago if I thought I was old I would have said, "No! I feel the same as I did in my 20's and 30's". But, in just the last few years, that has changed for me and many of my friends.
Over the last few days I've been chatting with a friend whom I've known since before we started school. We started talking about "old people's clothes". On a recent visit to his 34 year old son, he was told that he was wearing "old man's shoes"... and not to wear them anymore. He takes younger people with him shopping so he gets trendy stuff. Most of my clothes are "hand me ups" from my daughter so I assume they aren't "old lady clothes". So, I started thinking about it growing old.
First, we have old people feet and old people bodies. For us, at this stage of our lives, it's all about comfort. I can't remember the last time I wore heels. (They make my feet hurt). I'm not sure I even own a dress. (I do but I don't know if they fit and I don't wear them). And, I like it that I have comfortable clothes and I am comfortable with myself. I haven't resorted to stretch waist pants yet (except for sweats) but who knows? That may come too!
My friends know me and like me or they wouldn't be my friends. I know and like them too! So, it really shouldn't matter if I am wearing "old people clothes". Should it?
One of my friends drove 20 minutes to my house to look at a connection on the pool. It was the middle of the day on a summer afternoon. I laughed out loud when she and anther friend got here and asked if she was wearing her pj's? She just laughed and said, "Yes". That's what friends do with each other. It's just total acceptance for who and what we are. That's the way it should be.
I know a lot of people who look and act much older than they are... and just as many who look and at younger than their age. Many of my friends who appeared in good health are long gone. Looks do not tell the whole story.
I do think we need to fight the aging process as much as we can! I've heard that hair color is the one thing that sets us apart from previous generations. I think I agree with that. I also think that I act 20 years younger than my parents at the same age. There are probably a lot of things that contribute to that. Better nutrition and better health care are primary considerations. But, it's also about life style. Both of my parents smoked and didn't stop smoking until my children started mimicking them. Neither exercised. They thought taking a leisurely stroll up and down the street stopping to chat with neighbors was good enough. Or, sometimes they took a walk to the local store for an ice cream with the grand kids? They never did any strenuous cardio exercise. Dad still lived to age 84 and Mom is almost 81 and going strong.
Am I going to fight aging by trying to eat right and exercise? Absolutely! Am I going to wear comfortable shoes and clothes? Absolutely! Will I color my hair? Absolutely! Do I expect my friends to accept me as I am? Absolutely!
Fortunately, I am blessed with a wonderful family and an awesome group of friends. I can count on them anytime, day or night! So, as I head into this "Growing Old" stage of my life, I am thankful for so many things... a few more aches and pains and moving a little slower are just fine with me. But I also plan to fight it with everything I've got!
I heard today of a woman who is soon to be 100 years old! Guess what she's doing on Saturday? She's getting married to a 96 year old retired preacher! Kudos to her for continuing to live her life as well as she can at the age of 99! Can we call her a Cougar?
The bottom line is: Keep moving! Never stop living! Live your best life!